We help time-starved C-Suite execs accelerate strategic planning and transformation
We help time-starved C-Suite execs accelerate strategic planning and transformation
We help time-starved C-Suite execs accelerate strategic planning and transformation
We help time-starved C-Suite execs accelerate strategic planning and transformation
Successful strategies and transformations require tightly aligning goals to clear, credible, and comprehensive execution and resource plans.
Yet, according to HBR, ~90% of companies don’t execute their strategy because they lack clear objectives, firmwide coordination, and organizational buy-in.
So if you struggle with turning your team's potential into real results, you are not alone.
Get the leverage you need to succeed. Fractional COO NYC will create your
custom "A" Game playbook to accelerate strategic planning, execution, and transformation
Assess strategy, objectives,
team capabilities, focus, friction, and blockers
Align tactical project and resource plans to goals. Prioritize. Sequence. Focus.
Arm employees with how to play the game and what to do to win. Communication is key.
Act fast on goal-focused deliveries. Adapt. Evolve. Pivot.
We believe the best strategies are both visionary and achievable. We’ll work with your team to create clear, credible, strategic objectives to grow, scale and transform your business. Next we'll build a cohesive, prioritized, and tactical business execution plan aligned with your firm's strategic goals, based on your resources and team capabilities. We'll facilitate getting management buy-in and support, and provide leaders with communication tools and techniques to ensure that each employee understands and is aligned with the firm’s vision, strategy, and objectives. Your "A" Game execution playbook will include:
Fractional COO NYC will facilitate your 1-2 day management offsite for strategic planning or business transformation and help your team tackle:
The total project will include prep/planning meetings with leadership and key employees, plus a post-offsite review with key findings and recommendations.
Time-starved executives often don't have enough time to think through and deliver everything on their own. Fractional COO NYC can advise and support your C-Suite executives on an ad hoc basis, or throughout the implementation of your "A" Game execution playbook. We'll provide practical advice drawn from our experience helping other companies tackle similar issues, and can serve as a safe sounding board for brainstorming ideas, collaborating on problem-solving, or connect you to our network of fractional CMO, CFO, CTO, CISO, PMO, HR, and Recruiting professionals as needed.
Fractional COO NYC helps clients across the globe with strategic planning and business transformation, so we're always excited to meet in person when you're in NYC. Schedule: https://calendly.com/coo-nyc